Sept 21/16
Dear Mother
I got no letters from home last week, only one from Ben at Seaview, & I’m afraid our next mail is’nt in till Saturday (this is Thursday) so I shan’t be able to answer any letters, having none to answer!
Such hot weather all this last week but today was perfect this morning & a magnificent view of the snows; it’s clouding over again now though, & looks like more rain; I am so sick of the rain.
The regiment goes to Delhi in November sometimes, for the cold weather, sort of guard over the Viceroy, same like our detachment at Simla is doing now. It will be a lovely change from here, but a trifle expensive, as we shall indeed be among the nuts. It ought to be rather fun, as our work will be chiefly social & doing guards etc. I heard from Dick a day or two ago, he said he was sailing on the 18th but did not seem to know for certain.
Not much news from here, some old hard grind. The 3rd Batt: is going strong now, but the 1st Batt: have’nt left for Quetta yet, so we are rather squashed up here.
The news from France is good is’nt it, our men are wonderful, & what a wonderful thing this new armoured caterpillar car of ours seems to be, & what splendid work it has done. I see Capt H.P. Gabb in today’s casualty list, R. West Surreys, wounded, so I suppose that’s Harold, & it must be in Mesopotamia somewhere. I hope he’s all right.
My lady friend of the “Persia” & the C.O. & one or two others made a great fuss about that show, & today to my surprise I get the bronze medal of the Royal Humane Society, but I’m sure it’s far too much for what I did. I have written to her & told her about it.
Best love to all
yr loving son
NZ Marlborough Express, 23/09/16
“Caterpillar” Tractors Very Powerful Machines
“Captain H. P. Gabb and Captain A. S. Gabb, sons of Dr. Gabb, of Guildford, who have also two other brothers iu the Army, have both won the Military Cross.”
Auction of his medals in 1999