c/o G.P.O.
20th Sept.
Dear Mother- Thank you for your letter. How too lovely Topher arriving home – and for 10 days leave – I was so surprised when I got his wire on Monday. I sent him one, and also a letter yesterday. It is a pity I can’t get home and see him – but I am afraid there is absolutely no chance.
Extraordinary how Rosamond met him at Waterloo – and I can see so well the reception he got when the girls came in – and the noise & laughing -! Well he deserves his leave does’nt he and I hope he has a jolly good time.
How sickening about Dick – and so disappointing for us all – he’ll get my letter now anyway – so Jim’s off to France – someone told me last week – Dreda I think, that they thought he was going to India!!!
I had a signal from Mr Lyon yesterday asking me to go to dinner – but I could’nt go. Don’t know when I shall see him now! – and I should like to see him so much & hear all the news – so to speak.
We have had filthy weather these last 3 days – blowing a gale – but it’s much better today-
My best love to you all-
Your ever loving son
Thank you for the lavender Bag – I always like them so much-