c/o G.P.O.
Dear Mother-
Very many thanks for your letter. We are away from Mrs C.G. now and my good times are over for a bit – but I thoroughly enjoyed myself while it lasted. A niece of Mrs Conway’s turned up while we were there – and as it’s a dull place – I think she (Mrs Cy) was pleased that we helped to amuse her & show her about- I took several fellows with me at different times – Oh yes she told me the story about your tea & being all dressed up & how she had gone out for the day – & saw nobody else but you – would have come again the next day – as she asked you.
We have had some beastly weather lately- a sort of continuous gale blowing but to-day it’s lovely again-
So Dick is at Marseilles – I do hope he will get home soon now. I want him to come up & stay – he’s only got to go and ask I believe at the Admiralty – we have had several Canadians already – they stay about 4 or 5 days. It would be lovely if he could would’nt it.
Rosamund wrote to me about the linen cloth & I sent her the measurements. I heard from Mrs Jim – yesterday & all about their lodgings an’ all at Aldershot- she told me about going to Guildford for 4 days.
Any more luck about that mantle?
I must end now-
With my best love to you all-
ever your loving son
Paul was increasingly close to Nancy Swan during the summer of 1916 and early 1917, possibly via an existing friendship with her aunt by marriage, Mrs Conway-Gordon.
Nancy’s father was Colonel Charles Arthur Swan C.M.G., M.A., J.P., and her mother was Ethel, only daughter of Colonel F.I. Conway-Gordon. Her brother was brother was Major Charles Francis Trollope Swan MC who was born in 1887 and her sister Marjorie was born in 1886.
Nancy herself was born in 1895, making Nancy 22 in 1917 to Paul’s 28.