6 September 1916 – Paul to Gertrude

06 Sep


c/o G.P.O.

Sept. 6.


Dear Mother

V. many thanks for your letter. Extraordinary about that fellow Lyon – turning up at Delaford – Oh ha yes – he was onboard about a month ago I should think. He knew Chubbie out in S. America when he was in a ship out there – so I expect he went to the Shop I told him to. An awfully nice fellow.

I rushed off a letter to Sheina & Jim – and I hope they get them before the wedding; did’nt know you could suddenly shift the date at the last minute so to speak.

I had a letter from Mrs Steer yesterday telling me about dear Chubbie – she seems to have been rather bad poor child – and what with Tochie as well & then she (Mrs Steer) said the puppy went ill as well – she was rather worried.

I had a lovely long letter from Ted last night – seems to have plenty to do at Lansdowne – teaching recruits etc. How lovely Dick coming home – but what can he be doing I wonder. I do hope he gets to England for a bit anyhow-

Some air raid that – and a good bit of work getting that one down-

With my best love to you all

Your ever loving son


Herbert Inglis Nigel Lyons (died 1917, fought in the Falklands)

His father (died 1919)

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Posted by on 6 September, '16 in About, HMS Malaya, Rosyth


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