6 September 1916 – Ted to Gertrude

06 Sep


Sept 6/16

Dear Mother

Very many thanks for your letter which turned up last Saturday. More good news after a longish lull, but we can’t expect to make  a very rapid advance just yet. The general opinion seems to incline towards the Germans retiring either voluntarily in order to shorten their line, or because they will have to weaken their western front on account of Roumania’s entry into the Arena. I only hope they will go, but on the other hand it may prolong the war by enabling them to hold out longer, unless they are routed & retire in disorder. What rotters the Greeks are, & I’m glad the others are taking similar action at last, & are manning their show for them, as they seem quite incapable of doing so themselves. As for Tino – well, there, I don’t know what to say, he’s too despicable for words.

I say I hope you were all right in the last big air raid, 13 zepps they say, & only 3 managed to reach London & one was brought down near there. But the rest seem to have penetrated over the Eastern & Southern counties & I do hope they had’nt got as far as you. The official statements put the casualties & damage at a very low figure & I sincerely hope they are telling the truth & not concealing anything.

I had’nt seen Guy Crossman’s name as a matter of fact; I’m awfully sorry, & I don’t know what Mrs Crossman will say. Indeed I well remember our week end at St Edith’s, great fun. Yes I was at Canterbury with the Brinsley Richards, I missed his name too, though I always go through the lists very carefully.

I had a wire from Dick as I told you to say he was off at once, but I got another yesterday to say he was awaiting orders, & might not even go till the 15th of this month. He’ll be glad to get away I expect.

What a smash hit that was outside Delaford, the old motor van taking a toss, but it’s so long ago by the time you get this that I expect you’ll have forgotten all about it.

I had a line from Ben last mail, poor child, I do hope she’s feeling better now.

I’m glad Ruth’s taking up Red X work but it’ll put her back a bit at Guy’s won’t it. However as you say she’s young yet, & in any case she will be able to begin next year all right.

What great news about Jim! I don’t know whether to send a cable or not on the 8th, as it does’nt seem quite certain yet. I must wait for the next mail which should be here on the 8th before I take any steps, & even then I’m afraid it’ll be a trifle late in arriving. Yes I hope you see Billy Barlow, but I fancy he’ll be in town in hospital for a longish time. They are going to cut a bit off one of his ribs & make him a new bone from it in his upper arm; sounds jolly does’nt it; poor man, he’s suffered enough as it is, & ought never to have been sent out here again.

No news here. The rains are coming to an end thank goodness, I was getting a bit tired of them. The first Batt. have’nt gone to Quetta yet, & have got no further orders. Meantime the 3rd Batt is “all dressed up & no where to go” as the saying is, as there are no barracks for them here & won’t be till the 1st Batt go. So thoroughly Indian all the arrangements have been; they just sit down in comfort up at Simla, & say Raise a third Battn of the 39th, & leave the rest to chance & the British officer!

Nell sends good news, & has been staying with her godmother at Leamington. Her godmother’s people have a castle or something in the orkneys & have asked us to go & stay there! Far off at all! I hear she is getting thin; well I suppose she can spare a little, but I do hope she’s not working too hard at that old hospital. I have told her to be careful, & if you are writing you might say I hate thin people!

Must wind up

Best love to all

yr loving son




3rd Septemer Zeppelin raids and the first domestic VC

Pathé reel



When You’re All Dressed Up & No Place To Go sung by Billy Murray

Probable Orkney castle,_Orkney








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