C/o Cox & Co
April 28.
My dear Mother.
I’ve had 3 letters from you one after the other, mails all funny I suppose. The first one came from Alex, you had written on Feb 17th. The others, one just before you got my Bombay letter, & one just after which you sent direct to Karachi.
You might tell the Aquascutum people that my coat has arrived. Goodness knows where the boots are. If they left on March 8 for Alex they should be rolling up here soonish I should fancy. I never ran across Mr Harrison, we were’nt in Alex long enough. So Jim sold his mo-bike, I had’nt realised that.
You know I have the pills by now, but thank goodness June keeps very fit (tap wood) & awfully popular both with men & ladies. Everyone begs me to leave her with them if I go. Popular at all?
I am so glad Jim has his 2nd star, I must drop him a line. I think I’ll see if I cannot get my third now. I ought to easily.
I wonder if you’ve had Topher home lately, I hope so, & I hope he had plenty of money to have a good time. Wonder what Paul’s task is. Yes, you had told me Ruth was thinking of going to Guy’s.
Your weather does sound awful. Fancy us, never rains at all here, & you can arrange tennis & any old thing ages ahead knowing it will be all right.
How interesting that Cordwalles Chronicle must be. Send ’em 10/- for me. Did you ever send the head those old ones of yours to look at. Nice of ’em to mention our visit.
I do remember Read in B.A. How funny his marrying Joy Dolphin. I expect I’ll be hearing from Winnie soon. She owes me a letter.
The Bystander & L. Mail turn up alright & many thanks. Did you see in the London M, “Things we want to know”. Why does the sub on leave like spending his holiday at Bournemouth? I know! Ted says your mail to him was evidently lost in the Sussex, but mine were alright. Crowds of people had none. Luckily I sent your letter to me to Ted, so he got some news. We correspond quite frequently nowadays.
Many thanks for your Easter card, not so very late.
How funny old Kellie being so annoyed with me. Most amusing. I hope you told them that you all used to laugh just as much at me.
I dine out a good deal nowadays, as I suppose I am getting to know people. I hate it really as you never see anyone new. Last night we played rather an amusing game of cards, “Manners”. I expect the girls know it. When you ask for a card you say Please & if you get it you have to say “Thank you darling”. Of course you always forget & back you have to give it. Awful tommy rot really.
We are only just going to get patients in now. As a matter of fact the hospitals are only just ready, it’s been a business getting everything ship-shape.
Must write to Ben.
Best love to all
Your loving son
Cordwalles School
Probable derivation of “Manners”