c/o G.P.O.
May 5th 1916.
My dear Mother. V. many thanks for your letter – yes they are rather depressing times just at present are’nt they – & the casualty lists seem to be so big too.
Awfully glad to hear Topher will be home soon- hope he won’t be disappointed again. I had a letter from Jim telling me he was off to France sometime – and was awfully glad – as he has had enough messing about as he called it.
I did’nt know you had taken the garden in front – you never told me for certain – you were only thinking about it –
Poor Mrs Perkins – she seems to have had a pretty rotten time at Lowestoft – I wonder they had time to get anywhere – dreadful for them it must have been.
We are still having jolly good weather too thank goodness – it does buck one up so during these monotonous days.
I’ve seen Mr Drew a good deal lately – he & I have been dining with each other – simply lovely it was seeing each other again – & how we talked.
Jane seems fairly busy these days – had a lovely long letter from her to-day.
There is really not much news – I am very fit-
with very best love to you all
Your ever loving son
There’s very little garden in the front of Delaford (assuming that it’s Delaford which Paul is writing about) but in a later letter Richard refers to the garden as being “opposite” the house. The house is now a business centre, the space in front is a car park and the building opposite it is a hotel.