15 January 1915 – Paul to Gertrude

15 Jan

H.M.S. Gloucester


Dear Mother-

Very many thanks for your letter – dated 10th – How lovely it must be having Ted at home, and I can well imagine the hustle that is going on- I am awfully sorry to hear about Capon – what a nuisance it must have been when he was away, especially when there is such a crowd at home.

You said nothing about Ben being engaged to Wiggie in your letter – Dreda wrote & said in a passing sort of way ”Isn’t it ripping about Ben & Wiggie being engaged” – I said “Yes” but I did’nt know they were. Don’t think I exactly approve & I don’t suppose you do – but still it’s not for me to say & I do only hope & pray it will turn out a success. Ben is worth 100’s of Wiggies. Am glad to hear Ben is all right again & that the operation was successful.

Did you see in the morning post of 12th about us being sunk – some German news – written by an English lady, married to a German- Dorothy Black (that was) I expect.

So Willie Perkins is off to the front at last – he must be pleased

I have got various presents & cards from the King & Queen – Princess Mary etc- I’ll send them along –as I am bound to lose them if I keep them.

We are still waiting – generally most miserable weather- stacks of rain-

Washing, is our worst enemy at present – can’t get any done- I washed my pajamas in my bath today-

I’ve had the usual aching cough during the last week – all but developed into a churchyarder, but not quite. Am all right again now. Have the gramaphone records arrived?

With ever so much love to you all

From your ever loving son


 A churchyarder was a cough that might put you in the churchyard, one that made you sound as if you were dying.

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Posted by on 15 January, '15 in H M S Gloucester


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