H.M.S. Gloucester
at Sea
15th April
Dear Mother-
We’ve been some distance since I last wrote – we were at Sierra Leone then – & have now been at sea for 3 weeks or so – no mails or anything & this is the first opportunity we’ve had for sending letters. I am still very fit & we’ve been in the hot weather all the time. We’ve crossed the equator off and on some dozen times- Our show is over now & there’s a chance of seeing you again in about a month’s time – but it’s only a rumour –
We captured a “prize” the other day, rather a fine ship – but I don’t think we make much out of it as they have done away with Prize Money – nothing doing in fact-.
Life’s been fairly monotonous during our month at sea – but still I don’t mind personally – cos as you know I like the hot weather. Food has been a bit short & we practically live on what is known as “bare navy” i.e. Salt Pork: pea soup & lime juice. Very good though.
We have had no news since we left either – so we are slightly behind hand in knowing what is going on.
I hope everybody is very well at home-
with ever so much love to you all
Your ever loving son
HMS Gloucester Log – 15 April 1915
Lavandeira Reef to Rocas Island
Lat -4.0, Long -34.3
6.30pm Colliers Djerissa and Gisella parted company
8.10pm Sighted fleet off stard bow
9.30pm Cos & speed as reqte for approaching anchorage West of Rocas Is
9.55pm Stopped. Came to with stard anchor
11.0pm Ships on company – Sydney (fla), Glasgow, Liverpool & Macedonia
4caf86d5cadfd34197017ef5: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-43058/0043_0.jpg)
Sadly, this is the last of Paul’s letters where the logbook has been digitised.
Details of “prize” on 28th March
On patrol
Lat 0.0, Long -32.8
True Bearing and Distance: Rocas Is S15W 225′
12.05pm Sighted steamer bearing N10W 12′ steering SE :
12.10pm Steamer altered co to N. ward
12.15pm Proceeded co & speed as reqte to close steamer
1.20pm Boarded S.S. Hendrick flying Dutch colours. Proved to be German S.S. Macedonia with
coal & provisions. Put prize crew on board.
3:10pm Proceeded as reqte to close and communicate with Liverpool
3:45pm a/c as reqte to close prize.
4.0pm Discharged 29 ratings to Macedonia as prize crew with Lieut. H.O. Norman RNR (in command) and Mr Allen R.N. Received on board German Captain Kunstler(?) with 2 officers and 19 men as prisoners of war.
7.15pm Proceeded as reqte to close Djerissa