Feb 14.1916.
Dear Mother
Thanks most awfully for that ripping flask you sent. It arrived quite safely yesterday. I think it’s just ripping of you to have sent it and I value it amongst my most treasured possessions. It is very much admired, and envied, by all my friends. I also got the button & stars today, exactly what I wanted, the stars are just the kind I want; very many thanks for them. I had a good mail today, letters from you, Ben, Nell, Paul, Margery Fanner, Jos Lane & an aunt of Nell’s. Also from Reggie Nation who poor man is still on crutches and is pretty rotten all round.
Your letter is dated Feb 2nd, & addressed c/o India office. It arrived the same time as all the others so I think it’s best to stick to that address for the present at anyrate. I fancy we shall be moving from here sometime this week.
It’s warming up here now, and I think in another week or two it will be quite hot. But it’s by no means unpleasant yet & there must be many worse places than this. Dick was over here for an hour or two last week, trying to work an exchange into a field ambulance. I hear by roundabout ways that he has managed it, but I don’t think he has actually joined up yet. He came over to our camp for an hour or two.
Yes I hear Jinny has started her cigarette shop. I have’nt the foggiest idea where it is or what it is or what sort of show it is, but I am inclined to agree with you & Ben that it does’nt seem hardly the job for her. However, as I say I know nothing about it, & I only hope it is all right. So Topher’s been in some scrapping; I’m awful glad he’s all right, poor boy I expect he would like a bit of rest now. Yes I saw Zepps had been lively again; it seems strange we can’t give them a warmer reception. I see ‘planes have been over Ramsgate & Broadstairs too, I hope Ruth’s allright, but they don’t seem to have done much damage. I am going strong & am very fit & well & not so very busy.
Best love to all & again a thousand thanks for the flask,
yr loving son