10 February 1916 – Ted to Gertrude

10 Feb

Feb 10./1916


Dear Mother

Just got news tonight (10.30 p.m.) that the English mail goes tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. – so I will just try and get a letter off to you. I’ve had no letters this mail except from you & Ben. I fancy the postal arrangements are fairly rocky out here just at present. You see everyone seems to be on the move. Rumour has it we embark (for some destination in the East, probably the same place I originally started for) on the 15th, so I may not be able to scribble you a line for some time yet, till we disembark again. I can’t possibly tell you & this is only just to warn you in case. I’ll try, but everything’s so uncertain, it’s impossible to say. No letters from Nell this week; is’nt it sickening. I suppose they’ve gone to Kamskatka or Timbuctoo. Hopeless.

I’m awful fit & well.

yr loving son


I had a line from Dick yesterday in Cairo.

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Posted by on 10 February, '16 in About


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