Songs across the Century

05 Jan

I am used to reading about the war, and seeing black and white or sepia photographs.  Not so used to the sounds.

First here is Ted, writing to his sister Jane in February 1915:

I hope your concert is a success; it’s coming off today is’nt it. Have you got when we wind up the watch on the Rhine yet. I’m sure that you appeal to tommy audiences; send me a copy when it comes out. Guy Mainwairing and I have just been bawling it out in the 1st Bn: mess (an old ruined pub!) I should think the Germans must have heard us!

Chris managed to track down an audio file and the sheet music.

The link to the audio files:

The hairs stood up on the back of my neck as I listened to that.

And here is the link to the sheet music:

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Posted by on 5 January, '14 in About


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