Before and After – photographs

04 Apr

I’m truly impressed by the photographic skills of Naked Eye photography in South Queensferry.

I took almost 200 photographs and albums to Sandra there for scanning and she did a wonderful job. The most obviously impressive pieces are the restoration work, including this photograph of “dashing Dick” as she called him.

Richard Berryman - Before

Richard Berryman – Before

Richard Berryman - After

Richard Berryman – After

There is always question where you draw the line between restoration and reproduction, and to my mind it is important to retain both versions of the image.

The really impressive thing, though, is the detail that the scans bring out that simply isn’t visible in any other way. The original of this photograph for example, is three inches across. (The blurry photographs that are still here on the website are either out of focus originals or snaps that I took in 2010. Unfortunately that includes the group photograph of the whole family as children).

Tea and Tennis in the Raj

Tea and Tennis in the Raj

I’ve only looked at the family photographs, I’ve not yet looked at the scans of the photographs from the campaigns, so there is a lot more to come yet.

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Posted by on 4 April, '14 in About


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