Richard Berryman, sketch by Vall
39 I.G.H.
Dear Mother
I have got two letters of yours Oct 4 and 8 in which you say you have not heard from me. I hope by this time you have, & got my letter directing you what to do when the cable arrives. I am back again with 39 Hospital, hoping I am on my way to India. But there is a hitch somewhere & goodness knows when I shall get away.
Snice to be back here. Much colder than when I was here last, but the sea is nice & it all seems so much healthier. I am sorry to leave Topher behind. He came to see me off, & he will always be able to go over to our camp & see a change of face. Goodness knows when I shall see him again. He is quite fit & happy only like everyone wonders what’s going to happen to him.
Many thanks for all those papers & the photograph of Evelyn. The papers are most welcome. Funny Dreda should meet Rowland’s people! I have’nt heard from Evelyn for ages, but I must write as it’s my turn. Topher seems to have cut me out there altogether.
I imagine I am going to India for 3 years. Save save save & then come home for good & do a small practice there. But the quicker I go the sooner I’ll be back. I posted some beads & table napkin rings to you, you ought to be able to use them for Christmas, but they should get there ages before. The mail only takes a month really. We hourly expect to hear the Hun has given in. It’s all good news is’nt it. James & Ben must be sick of house hunting.
No eyeglasses ever arrived. Did you ever get a letter asking you to have some coloured prints of that picture of me?
Best love to all
yr loving son
a Happy Christmas to all.