Savoy Hotel
Jan 9/16
Dear Mother
We arrived here today after a long & tiring journey only to find that Dolly Lyell & I are to rejoin the regiment here (as I thought all along) & are not going on to India in the ‘Janus’ after all. The regt: is not actually here but is about 8 miles out, & as soon as we have completed our kit we are going to join them. That will be the end of this week, so we shall be with them when you get this. We are going back to Alexandria tomorrow, as we have some stuff in the making there; awful nuisance all this trekking about but it can’t be helped. Awful hotel this, disgusting, but there’s nowhere else to go in Suez.
Very tired tonight, up till 2 last night writing & packing, up at 6.30 today, & a long hot journey, & it’s now 11.30 pm & we are being called at 5.15 tomorrow to catch the 7 to Alexandria! So must go to bed.
The Garhwal Rifles
20 Indian Inf: Bde
10th Indian Div
I.E.F “E”
used to be I.E.F “A” in France, but this is “E” here. Love to all, am very fit & well & awful bucked at getting back to the rgt: at last
yr loving son
It’s quite hard to track Ted’s movements in Egypt in the first two weeks of 1916; he does seem to have gone backwards and forwards between Alexandria and Suez several times.