Indian Comforts for the Troops Fund.
Recreation Hut.
Jan 7/19
Dear Mother
No more mails in lately but I’m told there’s one out tomorrow so we’ll have a dart at it, though I often wonder if it matters much when one writes so far away as this- We are still in Tekrit & no signs of moving yet- My trip to Mosul was put off- I was going on Sunday – but Lumb wired & said he would be away for 3 weeks, so I shan’t be going up till the beginning of Feb-
My General took an imperial toss yesterday, his pony came down heavily & of course the General was thrown, & landed on his head & was knocked out for a minute or two. However he came round soon, & found no bones broken though he was badly bruised & shaken- He always goes full speed across all sorts of country rough & smooth, followed by me vainly endeavouring to keep up with him! & I felt sure one day he’d come a cropper- He’s not feeling at all well today & no wonder-
So the election ended as everyone thought I suppose- a sweeping majority for Lloyd George & his crowd- The best result I think from the Empire point of view, & let’s hope they made a good show of the peace business- I see Wilson has been having great times in England: what a wonderful man he is- If we could only get at those Bolsheviks & settle them, the world might resume its former peaceful & progressive existence very soon. But I’m afraid they will have to be dealt with first, though with the forces at the disposal of the allies now it should not be difficult. I see Jim’s old Battn: has been doing wonders in Siberia! All old crocks too, unfit for active service!
We had a good day’s shooting on Sunday, 50 birds & lots of exercise- I seem to be very busy still & there does’nt seem to be much knocking off work. I suppose as long as the fellow above you has ink & paper, so long will he continue to write to you! So it seems, anyhow.
A good many men of British regiments are being demobilised, students, miners & suchlike; several officers have gone home too. I have’nt the vaguest idea what my own prospects are, either as regards leave, or leaving the country, or returning to India or anything. I don’t suppose leave will be over-easy to get, as we regulars must stop on while all the tempys: clear off back to their civil jobs- but I fancy they will get as many people out of this country before the hot weather as they can. Anyhow, I do hope to get some leave sometime. Poor old Nell, but she’s a wonderfully brave little person, & she’s worth waiting for- I hope she’s been to stay lately, has she? She wants dragging out of that home of hers!
Best love to all
yr loving son