Jan 12/19
Dear Mother
We were expecting a mail today but it has’nt turned up after all. Letters up to Dec 4th are due by it & 3 days later letters up to Dec 18, so we ought to be in luck’s way for mails when these two arrive. I see a regular weekly mail home from Bombay has begun, the first boat leaving Bombay yesterday, so p’raps you’ll be getting our letters a little less erratically now.
Such wet weather this last week, & yesterday it simply poured all day & last night too. Today has been finer but it looks very black again this evening. We were going out shooting for 2 days today, but have been obliged to put it off-
Such lots of men are being demobilised now, chiefly coal-miners & students, and a great many officers too. I fancy they will get as many troops out of this country as they possibly can before the hot weather begins, as it must be an expensive time keeping a big force out here in the summer- How silly of me, I’ve turned over 2 pages, so I’ll carry on here.
We are having any amount of sport & footer & hockey tournaments to keep the men amused, & we have laid out a golf course, I have’nt played yet but I believe it’s quite good. My bath has just been poured out, so I’ll stop for a bit & have it otherwise it gets so cold- There, now I feel nice and clean. It’s wonderfully mild still, & not a bit cold, so different to last year with all those bitter winds-
I have no news I’m afraid. I am scribbling this to you tonight as under some new arrangement an English mail goes out tomorrow- Nell writes cheery letters, rather anxious poor child in her last lot as she had just had that wire about me. I hope by now you are in possession of all facts of that krewst! I’ve got a lovely tin of nuts from Rosamond, most welcome for after dinner, but we have no nutcrackers! so have to bang them with spoons & knives and things. Here comes the rain again- Must scribble to Nell now. Best love to all
yr loving son