Dear Mother
Many thanks for the parcel porridge cake etc. Most welcome. Put some lux in next time. I am longing to use the Emergency rations. The tent has arrived & is lovely, keeps the rain out too, Topher & I put it up. The watch too has come, Thanks so much for all. I want a pair of Jaeger putties, would you send me some please. Thin sort if possible, don’t know if they make two weights.
I saw Nell’s brother the other day. Fancy meeting him just on the road.
Oh I know what I want, a pair of grey riding breeches in the big black tin box in the lumber room. They are in with that red coat & things I did’nt take to India. They are the same stuff as that suit of mine.
I am sending you £5 to pay postage etc for all these things. I see the cake & porridge always cost ¼ to send.
Send us some penny packets of seeds, mustard & cress, radishes, carrots sweet peas & taters, lettuce, vegetable marrow eh? Scarlet runners.
Best love to all
Yr loving son
Send me John Bull every week will you?
The instance on Jaegar puttees……!