28 July 1916 – Richard to Gertrude

28 Jul


July 28.


Dear Mother.

Many thanks for your letter. 2 Tatlers & 1 D.M. rolled up. You need’nt send Tatlers as I see them in the Club, yet it’s nice to have them to read in the bungalow, but I expect people at the front would like em best.

I’ll try & see if I can find out about that Major Carson. I do hope Topher is all right. Really the officer Casualty list is so big, what must the Tommies’ be. Jim seems a useful man nowadays. I expect he’ll get his star before I do! rather I know Betty Neville. Who on earth married her!

I am finished with that train now. Don’t imagine that Enquiry which you may see about in the papers of a train going across the Sind desert refers to mine. I was much more careful!

A very short letter but no time. I’ve left it so late.

Best love to all.

Yr loving son



Possible Major Carson (halfway down)

Hansard mentions of Sind train deaths

Report in NZ Press (close to bottom)

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