c/o G.P.O.
27th July.
Dear Mother-
Thanks very much for your letter- I wrote to Ben to 10 Elsworthy – but I suppose they will forward it on, won’t they. I don’t know – but I think I rather agree with you about her going down to Brighton – but I suppose she did what she thought best- So glad to hear Jane & Chubbie were so splendid with her.
The Bishop of London came onboard us yesterday – in his purple cassock an’ all – He came round & shook hands with us all – and made a very pleasant sort of address to the men.
I did not know Chubbie had gone to Scotland already – pity we are’nt anywhere near where she is, though we have been there quite a lot. I heard from Sheina from the “shop” this morning – thoroughly scared at being left alone for a minute-
I saw one of the Wigglesworth boys – Goofey – was killed the other day. He was in the R.A.C. Sorry to hear about Jack Houghton. Worse & worse these casualty lists.
Digby is giving a lecture to-night on his experiences in France – but I can’t go as I have someone dining with me – I dined with Drew last night.
with my very best love to you all
your ever loving son
Paul is referring to the death of Benedicta’s fiance Ivan Bennett, Paul’s letter of condolence apparently went to the wrong address.
Paul and Gertrude did not approve of Ivan, and from what he says in this letter there was a family discussion about whether or not Ben should visit Ivan’s cousins in Hove, a mile or so along the south coast from Brighton. From what Paul says, it looks as if Ben did visit them but Paul and Gertrude would rather he hadn’t, but it could be the other way round.
Read more about Ivan and his romance with Ben.