H.M.S. Gloucester
C/o G.P.O.
Tuesday. 26th
Dear Mother –
Thank you for your letter – & I’m glad the sox & chest have arrived safely. I enclose the 10/- – Ever so many thanks for paying the other 5/-, what’s the gear like inside – I expect I shall want some of those plain clothes shirts soon – I believe there are some quite good coloured flannel ones in there, are’nt there?
The lumber room sounds awfully cosy as a dining room- & ought to be quite warm with the kitchen so close – excellent idea it sounds-
What does that mean, Jim being transferred to a Reserve Battalion? Will he go out any sooner. I heard from Topher yesterday – he told me he expected to go out very shortly now.
Yes- they gave me £2 for my wins in the sports – & to buy my own prize – but I haven’t as yet bought anything.
It’s getting pretty parkey up our way – but I have’nt really begun to wear anything winter as yet – one wants a great coat ashore though. I don’t know whether you remember that big blue Reefer coat of Jim’s, that he gave me; do you? Well anyhow I’ve had naval buttons and shoulder straps put on it & it makes a ripping new great coat – which is a thing I wanted badly.
I say how ripping of Dreda to get some money for Topher’s gramaphone. I wish I had known – because I would have sent her some – why did’nt she ask me?
I was sent a most beautiful white knitted sweater yesterday by a friend of mine – gorgeous it is – all hand knitted-
We have a hockey ground now – which is very nice – but I’ve got a very slightly groggy ankle at present & the doctor says I’d better rest it for a week – but a funny sort of new lump appeared & only hurt when you touched it – I’ve felt it there for weeks & weeks but I thought it was a hack, from football or something – but when it wouldn’t go away – I showed it to him & he was bluffed and didn’t know what it was – but said it might be something – an abscyss forming in a tendon gone – anyhow I’ve had it well Iodined & occasionally wrapped up & sounds funny does’nt it – I’ve got the cold alright – but I’m glad to say the hard lump is going away & does’nt hurt ½ as much – (I’ve just felt it again & feel it still there – that’s why I changed the tense).
It’s nothing to worry about – for one thing I’ve never told you before – simply because I forgot that anything’s wrong at all. I ran all through the sports with it.
Well goodnight Mother – I hope you are all well.
With much love to you all.
from your ever loving son