24 January 1916 – Ted to Gertrude

24 Jan

Jan 24./16


Dear Mother

I hear there is an English mail going out tomorrow at 9 o’clock so I am just scribbling a line to tell you I’m all right & going strong. I went over to Suez & saw Dick on Saturday, & stayed the night with him & came back yesterday. He was awfully fit & well & I was awfully glad to see him. June was in great form & was very fit. Dick I hope is coming over to see me tomorrow & stay the night & goes back the next day.

Can you send me a dozen rolls of films for a “Vest Pocket Kodak, autograph pattern”, as I have bought one off a chap here but can’t get any films for love or money in Egypt. Bunchie has my other camera still, but I fancy Dick has that or has asked her to send it to him.

It’s been raining hard today & is really quite cold here.

Please send me:

a packet of china tea, (we get such muck here) some chocolates (Nobby Clarke suggested these!) & a cake is never unwelcome. In fact I have’nt seen one since I left home! Also a tube or 2 of Swan Fountain Pen ink tabloids

The English mail is late again this week, not due in till Wednesday. What a difference from France! Where we got letters every day, and everything is far different here in every way, & it’s not an improvement either. But we mus’nt grumble or we’ll never finish off the show.

Best love to all

yr loving son



Vest Pocket Kodak

Swan Fountain Pens

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Posted by on 24 January, '16 in About


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