21 May 1915 – Ethel Ford to Gertrude

21 May


21 May 15

Dear Gertrude.   We saw yesterday that Ted had been wounded, but Bens tells me it is not serious. I am so thankful, how glad you must be to have him at home. Isn’t it a dreadful time? Unspeakable I think.

Morton has been out since the beginning of Oct. he is in the A.S.C. Motor transport, attached to the Indian Contingent – He was ill in Feb. & had a fortnight’s leave, but I don’t suppose he will be able to get any more for a long time. He got influenza & a very bad throat. Everyone in the world will be out there soon.

We have lots of wounded in all the Red X hospitals round us- & they may take our school later on. Esmée is quite ready to be a ward maid or do anything, but we have not had a hospital in the village. I would much rather have a government one. Red X is wonderfully muddled as a rule, & such squabbles!

I have spent my life knitting, & am still at it, for the French wounded now.

Much love dear Gertrude

Ever yr affect

Ethel Ford

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Posted by on 21 May, '15 in Ted Berryman


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