H.M.S. Gloucester
21st Feb.
Dear Mother. V. many thanks for your letter – we have been at sea ever since last Sunday & only arrived in yesterday- so news is particularly scarce this week.
Not a very cheery time at sea either – beastly weather & we did not get any scrapping. I’ve never seen such enormous flakes of snow as we had to-day- huge they were. I all but thought of going ashore for a walk – but I am glad I did’nt now.
I’ve got that silly rheumatism again across my shoulders- but 10 grains of aspirin has sent it away for the time being. I do hope I shan’t have a miserable night – where you can’t move hand or foot.
I am glad you enjoyed your midweek holiday in Town. We can never get you to go away for a really good change & a rest – but even a few days like that I expect did you a lot of good.
I expect you will receive a bag of some of my clothes soon. I don’t think there is much in there that’s of any use to anybody. Would Capon like the grey suit. I rather love it though & would like to wear it again – which I hope I shall before I finally discard it. Oh – and sometime or other a huge sea chest ought to arrive, with various things I landed at Malta – pictures – greatcoats etc – but I should think that would be sometime yet.
I am miles behind in my correspondence being at sea all last week- has thoroughly done me down & I have got heaps of letters to write.
Willie Perkins seems to have got into the thick of it fairly soon does’nt he.
Well I must off to bed. If anyone is thinking of making a cake, will they make me one at the same time and send it along. I should love it.
Goodnight. With ever so much love to you all-
from ever your loving son
HMS Gloucester Log – 21 February 1915
Scapa Flow
Lat 58.9, Long -3.1
2.0pm Landed CPOs on Flotta Is
4caf86d4cadfd34197017ec0: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM53-43058/0016_1.jpg)