20 May 1915 – S S Scote to Gertrude

20 May

Tudor House

May 20th.

My dear Mrs Berryman.

I am sorry to hear about Ted. xcept that as it is slight, he won’t be able to fight again yet awhile & that is a mercy. But must’nt it be depressing to have all your friends killed? I think I should feel like xchanging with something else, you wouldn’t feel so lonely.

Gen. Bond’s youngest son has died from his wounds – they heard a few days ago. He was wounded in the abdomen & they were told slightly, but that was a mistake for he died almost at once. He enlisted when the war began, & came from Canada, I think, on purpose. Amy hasn’t heard any more from Reg; when he wrote last, he thought they wd leave on March 12th, but when you think that he is walking from Central Africa to the nearest Rly St! it doesn’t sound a quiet job.

Eily Ward is on her journey home, her boat is not going to stop I fancy after Port Said. Poor Mrs Orr feels very anxious. I only trust she & the child will arrive all right, personally I shdprefer to keep off the sea.

You will be all at home shan’t you this weekend? How awfully nice for you. I thought it was so friendly & kind of Jim to come & see me. He looked so well in his uniform & his likeness to Mr Berryman struck me very much. It’s the way he looks at you I think. Col & Mrs Bowdler are home, came to Blkwater St [straight?] from Folkestone – & both got out at Little Farnboro thinking it was Blkwater & never found out their mistake until after the train had left!!

On Sat: Mrs Stotherd comes to lunch after decorating – it’s always rather a trial- altho’ she doesn’t sit among the tombs as much as she used. Love to you all. Yrs affectly

S S Scote


Posted by on 20 May, '15 in Ted Berryman


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