20 May 1915 – Dumps Morse to Gertrude

20 May


May 20th

My dear Gertrude

I am very sorry to see in to-day’s paper that Ted has been wounded. I hope it is not a very bad wound, but at the same time if he gets to England for a bit you will be glad. Do let me know how he is.

I met a friend of your’s the other day, Mrs Ommaney. I forgot she was living at Guildford. We have known or rather Mother has all her life, for she knows Mrs Ommaney’s mother so well.

I have just been in bed with a rheumatic attack & feel as limp as a rag. We have got a flat in Portman Mansions & move in June.

Much love & hoping to hear Ted is going on well.

Yours afftly

Dumps Morse

What name gives rise to the nick-name “Dumps” one wonders?

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Posted by on 20 May, '15 in Ted Berryman


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