19 June 1915 – W H Drake Brockman to Ted

19 Jun

Trenches 19/6/15

Dear Berryman

Thanks for yours of 16: received today. I am sorry to hear your wound is still troublesome necessitating an extension, but a bit extra leave will do you no harm & the rest ought to benefit you – though it may feel a bit boresome at times.

It is very tiring work this & so monotonous- & now with the smell, flies & bluebottles in the trenches, they are not very charming dwelling places. We shall be in these trenches for another 10 days & so with our time in support in trenches, we shall have done 20 days – quite like old times.

As usual plenty of rumours, I don’t think we are likely to be withdrawn, but I don’t think we shall do another winter campaign. I trust NOT, with the riff raff of B.M.P. we get as reinforcements.

Col. Ewing has another extension- Mainwaring & Lane also. Lumb is a fixture at Marseilles as C off. Base Depot- he is not very strong just yet. Clarke rejoined a day or two ago – so I am full of B.Cs & no GOs hardly

Yrs sincerely

W H Drake Brockman

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Posted by on 19 June, '15 in Ted Berryman


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