c/o G.P.O.
14th Dec
Dear Mother-
Very many thanks for your letter – so glad the papers were useful- I’ll see if I can send some more. I hope you got those photographs alright – awful thing really – but amusing to us as a memento.
The country does seem to be waking up at last. I must say it’s high time control was taken over most things- It’s a certain way to bring the British Public to reality- What about their Peace show. Definitely – NO – by telegram I should say. I can’t think what they have got up their sleeve. I’ve just had a card from Topher sent on the 6th – but crossed out everything except – I am quite well-
We have had jolly good weather during the last few days – not a bit like winter – I don’t mind the cold now half so much as I used to – I hear there is a chance of leave in February!!-
My best love to you
Your ever loving son