12 December 1916 – Richard to Gertrude

12 Dec



Dear Mother   Many thanks for the parcel with woollie chicken socks & sweets. I’ve taken off my present woollie & put on yours, much nicer, it does not take up much room. I’m awful glad of the sox, those other 2 pairs you sent me are most useful. Always worn with the field boots & spurs.

I hear from Cox my keys were never sent! However they should be on their way now & I hope you’ll be able to open the boxes & get boots, buttons etc. Should you not get ’em almost as soon as this, write to Cox & ask them if they have received them. Lesley Roberts may want those buttons soon. One of those keys does for 2 boxes, that little tiny tin suitcase & one of the others. The brass one opens the red & black tin box, the big new one, the big new box. I hope everything arrived as per the list I sent you.

Will you have that fishing reel cleaned & oiled a bit; also the box-spurs. Has my evening dress etc returned, no good coming home if it has’nt. I do hope everything will be all right in the boxes & not gone bad or anything.

I am going over today to see if I can hear any news of Topher’s arrival.

Snow yesterday. Sawful.

Best love to all yr loving son


There’s some lace in one of those boxes. Keep care of it & don’t let anyone bag it. It’s for a girl I know.

Most important I keep forgetting to ask. Please send me a 2/- tin of Iron Jelloids No 2a. I cannot get ’em in France. Also a packet of “Thermogen” wool.

1921 cartoon in Daily Mirror mentioning Thermogen wool

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