Category Archives: Crowhurst

1 September – Richard to Gertrude


Sept 1st.

My dear Mother

No mail from you last week. No one got any letters from England, however we expect it today, a week late. There should be today’s as well, but I suppose we shan’t get that. So far we’ve really heard nothing about what England is like, whether there is very much excitement or what. I saw in yesterday’s paper shots had been fired at a train at Crowhurst so I suppose there is a good deal of that sort of thing going on. Everyone must be very depressed as there must be so many killed & wounded amongst people one knows or knows of. Paul has been having some fun I see, his ship had a shot at a German battleship. Ted’s gone I suppose by now, but apparently no one knows where, Ben I think is wise, she says she is coming back on a trooper with other dependants, I dunno’ when she will sail even if she gets a ticket on it, but it’s the best way & much the cheapest in the end. I shall be sorry not to see her, but she will save a lot of money & trouble.

Very little going on here, people are not much excited as there is really nothing to be excited over, we get very little news & can’t believe half of it.

All I can say is I wish I was at home.

Excuse the writing in the first part but I am writing in the train, when we stop at the station it’s all right you see.

Well best love to all.

Your loving son
