c/o G.P.O.
Thursday. 8th
Dear Mother – Thank you muchly for your letter- So glad Nance has been down again for the week-end. I am awfully pleased at that idea of them all going farming during the spring & summer. I do wish you could get Jane to go as well- she did’nt like last summer in Town & it would do her all the good in the world to get some good fresh air for 3 or 4 months.
My hands are fearfully cold at the moment – just come back from a funeral of one of our men who died yesterday & it’s bitterly cold ashore & was snowing most of the time. I wrote Ted a long letter the other day – 6 of these sheets I think it was.
So sorry I did’nt say goodbye to Capon- thoroughly remiss of me – will you make my apologies & say how sorry I was-
I don’t want these Wellingtons really- not much use these days. After the war perhaps – if they fit – but Dick’s feet are smaller than mine I think.
Must go & have some tea – & some dripping toast-
Bestest love to you all-
from your ever loving son