5 May 1915 – Ted to Gertrude

05 May

May 5th

Dear Mother

Just a line to say I’m very fit and well. We have been in these trenches 8 days now and are being relieved tonight thank goodness. It has been a bit wet lately & yesterday we had a thunderstorm; & today is very muggy again. Otherwise the weather has been perfectly lovely and really very hot.

Send me out one of those new absorbent cotton wool face masks, but I expect you have already done so. I’ve got a rotten wire one, but I think the other kind are better & easier to carry-

I got a whole bundle of papers this morning, including “the Boy’s Realm” which has been read with much gusto in the trenches-

Nothing much going on here nowadays; all the fun is going on up near Ypres apparently. We have got to bivouac tonight out in the open, I hope it stops raining by then. I wonder why they can’t find billets for us.

No more news

Tons of love

from yr loving son


Boys’ Realm –

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Posted by on 5 May, '15 in About


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