Dear Mother
Many thanks for your letter. I was so glad to find it yesterday when I called. I knew all letters you write would go whirling off to Egypt, but I could not stop them. I have heard nothing yet, however they are keeping me back very kindly till news arrives. Wonder if Ted has arrived. I would have liked to have seen Freddie doing his stunts. So you’ve got the legacy all right & how nice its being free of duty. I am sorry I missed Paul’s letter, I hope he sends one to me here.
So the dog arrived back safe, how good of that old porter to write you a letter. I hope you put new skin on your thumb. I had a good bathe yesterday, the sea is fairly warm, but I’d like it warmer. Send me those 3 blue paper books of French Hugos there are about in the spare room or else upstairs in the room over the lumber room.
Best love to all yr loving son
Having established the language book company was founded in the 50s.
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