c/o G.P.O.
Jan 5th
Dear Mother. Very many thanks for your letter and all the news – what heaps of old friends you seem to have had at home during Christmas and New Year- wherever did Archie Fox come from. I do so wish I could get home to see Willie – but it is no use- my leave is not due till about the 6th Feb – and I cannot possibly arrange anything else.
I had a letter from Jim saying he was stranded at Plymouth & he wanted to know if I knew anybody down there whom he could go and see – while he was waiting- I also heard from Sheina – dear she seems awfully stressed about Jim going
Did’nt I thank you for those handkerchiefs so sorry – they were lovely – and are most useful at present as I am in the midst of a beastly cold – much better now though thank goodness – How sickening about Rosamund’s thumb- must be jolly painful – but she writes awfully well with her left hand. So glad you heard from Digby – I often see him just for a moment – he told me he was writing to you
We were to have given our show again to-night – but circumstances have made it impossible so I don’t suppose we shall do it again at all – I am rather sorry in a way.
There must be something in this peace stand I suppose – but I hope we have nothing to do with it yet.
With much love to you all
from ever your loving son