c/o G.P.O.
July. 4th 1916
My dear Mother-
Thanks very much for your letter – you must have forgotten to stick it down – as there was a sort of official post office thing on the back – saying “Found open & officially closed”. I don’t think I shall get another opportunity of seeing Mrs C-G- it does’nt seem like at present. Poor old Ben- I hope she has heard good news of Wiggie by now. Topher will have to wait some time now I should imagine – The papers don’t impress one yet that it as present is an enormous push do they – We imagine here that it’s only a nibble. Jim has’nt written to me yet about his engagement – ought I to write to him first – I think I shall.
So sorry to hear about Mrs Prior. She must have been fairly old was’nt she.
Hope the “woundeds” tea was a success. That’s a new thing is’nt it at Guildford-
I remember Dreda telling me about Betty Neville’s engagement – I did not know they were to be married so soon-
Best love to you all
Your ever loving son
Victorian “Found open” label (Fiji)