4 February 1916 – Ted to Gertrude

04 Feb

Feb 4th 1916


Dear Mother

Very many thanks for two letters from you, both of which have been to Bombay & back. I got no letters from Delaford by the last mail except one from Ben, saying you had got my account of that show from Nell. I can’t think what happens to all my letters, I got 21 in a bunch yesterday from India, England, & all over the shop; but perhaps they will be a trifle more settled in future.

I also got that letter case with the horse shoe in it; I was firmly convinced that that had gone with all my other treasures, but I’m most fearfully glad I left it behind now. Also all the letters enclosed in the case arrived safely; many thanks.

Nothing much doing here now; it is gorgeous weather and we are fairly busy all day. There does’nt seem much doubt that we are moving further East fairly soon now, but what our ultimate destination is I cannot say, as no one seems to know for certain. Your letters are dated 28th & 29th December, so are somewhat belated; I have got the pink papers regularly & they are a great boon in the mess. Also the weekly times.

I do hope old Topher manages to wangle a few days’ leave soon, he certainly deserves it. I expect I shall get one or two more letters this week yet, as I think there is a bi-weekly mail to Egypt; we generally get 2 mails here. I told Nell to tell you to send letters to me to the Garhwal Rifles, c/o India Office London, it saves change of address if we move, and they get here just as soon as if you send them direct. You may have to post a little earlier, but they would tell you that at the India Office. I’m very fit & well. Love to all yr loving son



The Pink papers reported on sports

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