Aug 31. 1916
Dear Mother
I think I answered your last mail last week, and since then we’ve had no mail in. It’s due up here in two days’ time I fancy & they are still very erratic.
What about Dick going to Marseilles! As of course you must have heard of him by now. I got a hurried line on the 24th saying he was sailing next day. I fancy he’ll be rather pleased, as he was rather sick of kicking his heels about in Stationary Hospitals and I don’t think Government were doing him very well. I feel rather lonely out here now he’s gone, even though he was such miles away & I only saw him once for an hour or two.
We had quite a severe earthquake shock here 2 or 3 days ago, about 11 o’clock in the morning; I was in office, & we all flew out into the open when we realised what it was. It was’nt an ordinary side to side one, but a sort of undulating motion, lasting nearly a minute I should think. No damage was done as far as I know, except a chimney fell through the roof of a – luckily – empty house & one or two rickety old walls & outbuildings collapsed I believe. I see the Simla seismograph recorded a big shock 300 miles away, but we’ve heard nothing more.
We heard the splendid news of Romania’s ultimatum yesterday, which should cut several months off the probable duration of the war. I like Lloyd George’s optimistic attitude immensely, as I feel he must know what’s going on and that his sayings are inspired, and, as it were, official. Tremendous fighting still in progress I see, but the casualty lists seem shorter.
Wretched weather still, the rains are still on; how I loathe them! Jack Hogg has got command of our new 3rd Battalion, he has come from the 9th Gurkhas, & arrived a day or two ago. We had a brief F.F. about his people at Camberley. I had met him once or twice before, but did’nt really know him.
I’m writing before brekker in pyjamas, & I must get up. Lots of love to all.
Yr loving son
28 August earthquake
an hour later in Taiwan
King Ferdinand of Romania’s declaration on the 28th
Lt Col John McKenzie Trower Hogg – his son was Ian Hogg