Nell was Ted’s fiancée whom he had not seen since the end of 1915 – almost three years before. Ted had written to her almost daily during this time. The conversational detail of this letter shows how they had maintained and developed their relationship even though at times it took up to four months to send a letter and then receive a reply.
30th Oct/18
Darling Child just a scribble as near “the day” as I can get it – Honestly old lady I simply have’nt had a minute since 21st of the month to write to you in- for 9 days we have been marching hard & long, & the last 5 have had fighting in addition- heavy fighting too, but the Brigade did splendid work- tho I say it as should’nt- and we had some hard fights with the Turk and some stern chases after him – into bivouac after dark at 7 or so, then on again at midnight, fighting early next morning, perhaps all day, that’s been our programme- But it has all ended very happily-
You will have seen by now how many prisoners were captured, I have’nt the vaguest idea, but I saw several thousands this morning- It’s been hard work & we are all pretty well done, but the final success is worth anything. My brigade was on the Right bank of the river & we had as much fighting as we wanted, & it was all most awfully interesting for me of course in my new job- and very frightening at times too! However no harm done, except some splinters of shell in my arm & hand, as one burst rather unpleasantly close one day, but beyond being rather painful for a day or two it was nothing-
Anyhow old lady here’s to yesterday – the great 29th October, the greatest day of my life in lots of ways- 29th Oct 1914 I first went into the trenches in France: 29-10-15 I spects you remember rather well don’t you dear!- & then 29th Oct 1918 I finish (I hope!) with the War, for there was no fighting today, just huge mobs of surrendering Turks-
I suppose Jim has been in the show too, anyhow his regiment has, but on the other bank of the river, but we’ve heard precious little about what’s been going on there-
Well I’ve got heaps to do dear heart- we have come miles & miles from our nearest post office, over very bad roads, so heaven knows when this will get posted- However so long as it does reach you it does’nt matter much when does it dear- I’ll write again just as soon as ever I can, but we are very busy still, finishing things off, & we have practically no kit, & are oh so dirty! I have’nt washed for a week, & I’ve got some sleep to make up too-
I am so glad we’ve done something out here at last, & you’ll be glad too, won’t you darling; I know you will. All my love for ever & ever