28 February 1919 – Ted to Gertrude

28 Feb

Feb 28/19

Dear Mother

The mail of Jan 23 has arrived, but mine has of course gone to 34th Bde, and as they are en route for Amara (they may have arrived there yesterday) I don’t suppose I shall get mine for a day or two. By the way don’t change my address, as heaps of things may have happened by the time you get this; everything will be forwarded on to me from the Bde. A warm sultry day today: yesterday it poured with rain & the whole place became a sea of mud. My general came to see me yesterday & was very nice and kind.

They are sending me down to a convalescent place at BAIT NAMA about 5 miles below Basra. They don’t quite know what to make of me here, beyond the fact that I am rather run down & this recurring fever has left me rather a worm, though I have had none since being in hospital here. They seem to think a river trip may do me good & a little rest down there. In my present rather limp state it would’nt be advisable to go back to work immediately. My general strongly advised me to go & says I’m not to hurry back. I’m feeling really very strong & well today, but I have heads & aches & pains at times which is rather foolish of me-

I’m scribbling this line to you as I don’t know when I’ll be able to write again. The journey down stream in a paddle ambulance steamer will probably take 3 days or so, & by then the mail may have gone-

Sorry for such a dull letter

Best love to all

yr loving son


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Posted by on 28 February, '19 in About


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