26 May 1918 – Richard to Gertrude

26 May





Sunday  26 5.18.


My dear Mother

I wrote you yesterday & gave you an address as I may get a letter before I have to leave. Anyhow I am trying to wangle an exchange & stay with a hospital there if possible. I don’t know if they will sanction it, if they do I think I shall apply for some leave from here! Still lovely weather, not too hot yet. I’ve met several men I know & I am leaving a letter for Ted at Cox’s in case he comes through, he might have time to arrange a meeting if our visits clash.

The biscuits & milk & kettle were awfully useful in the train, although troop train journeys are done very much more comfortably than in the early days. We had several quite long stops at odd stations at odd times & we could get a good wash & decent meals, four in a first class carriage for 2 nights was’nt too much of a crush either.

I wonder if you found that envelope with my statement of leave granted. There are two lots of two each. One lot was in with that yellow ticket. Hope you are using my meat card & butter etc. The 13s.

Best love to all

yr loving son


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