March 25/15
Dear Jinny
All cameras are disallowed now, so I am sending mine to you to look after for me; also two packs of films, unused, which you can take pictures with. Also book of instructions. You’ll find it quite easy to work only rather tricky at first, & it’s much less bother than a roll film camera. You simply jam the film pack in the back & all is ready.
Weather’s turned for the bad today, wet & raw again & filthily muddy, I expect we shall be booted out of these billets tomorrow, & go up north a bit; see a new bit of France anyway.
I only wrote to you yesterday so I’m afraid I can’t scrape up much to tell you this time, only about the camera. You might tell Dryden to send along some cigarettes, as I’ve run out today. I really must send some money but postal orders are so hard to get hold of nowadays.
Hope the camera rolls up safely & you take some good snaps with it. I carried it all through the Neuve Chapelle show but I did’nt have a minute to spare; besides there was’nt much to take really. Send along a cake some old time; the Delaford cakes are always welcome in the mess & much liked – always thinking of our stomachs are’nt we; pigs, I call us.
So long keep smiling I’m as fit as a flea
Tons of love