c/o G.P.O.
24th March.
Dear Mother-
Thanks very much for your letter – it was a bit late this week – the postmark shows the 20th tho’-. I’m glad to hear Ted has arrived safely at Bombay- Any news of Dick?
I had a Cordwalles Chronicle sent me the other day – awfully interesting it is – and a long article about old Boys- Our visit there the other day is mentioned – They are going to put up a Roll of Honour Board & a memorial in the Chapel – so I sent them 10/- as a small subscription.
Quite a crowd again for the week end – How nice of Bunchie & Budd Fox to come over – I wonder if I should recognise him if I saw him again.
I’ve got the most extraordinary rash over both my arms. It rather defeats the doctors – masses of spots there – all sort of hard – & it itches like anything – They say it is nothing infectious – or dangerous – all over my wrists too – beastly. Did’nt I thank you for the helmet – I feel sure I did – We have had lovely weather too lately – but to-day it has suddenly started snowing & hailing again.
I had a long letter from Joy Dolphin – she is married now – Mrs Reed – he’s in the R.F.C. & used to be out in B.A. at the Gardons’- Winnie Gardon – Dick’s friend – he apparently knows Dick quite well & has met me there – but I don’t remember him – I have told Joy to come over if she would like to see you – as they are at Farnborough-
Good for Topher old Stopford having a yarn with him. Is there any more chance of him getting a commission?
There is no more news – very best love to you all-
Your ever loving son
Cordwalles was the prep school the boys had attended between the ages of 7 and 14. It changed its name in the 1920s and is now known as St Pirans.
Stopford was a friend of Gertrude’s and the general to whom she had written asking for a commission for Jim.