H.M.S. Gloucester
Tuesday. 24th
Dear Mother.
Very many thanks for your letter – Well you do seem to have lived in a rush last week- & what a ripping time all the girls must have had with Willie – I bet he thoroughly enjoyed himself –
Rather amusing about Dick & Jim looking for dress suits – how they must have all laughed- Just like Jim that, not turning up again for a day or two. Never met such a wanderer-
So Ted is at Gloucester – you never sent me his address- will you? Because I want to write to him.
Thank you for Stephane’s- rather difficult to write a letter when it seems uncertain.
Bee Dudman sent me heaps more Jam the other day – so good it is- She told me you were going to stay down there sometime – now do have a good rest when you are there Mother – and stay there a good long time-
What a Black week that was last week was’nt it – but what glorious news yesterday- I do hope things have started to move now. We still seem to be waiting – I get ashore & play a good deal of football and am keeping awfully fit. I hope to go out to dinner this evening, with another Essex pal of mine. I had a letter from Rosamond the other day – she seems to enjoy her fruit picking.
Well there is no more news – Hope everybody is very well-
Best love to you all from
ever your loving son