23 July 1918 – Ted to Gertrude

23 Jul

July 23/18


Dear Mother

No more mails in yet, it’s nearly 3 weeks now since the last one arrived here, tho’ mine coming through Cox took longer of course & only arrived about 10 days ago, so I don’t know when it will reach me this time. It has arrived in Baghdad I hear, yesterday but has not been delivered here yet.

Not much news nowadays from here, the good news is for the moment coming from France where the Boche attacks seem to be being held up and the French are doing so well, good news indeed after all these anxious months: let’s hope it continues.

Our strenuous life continues, but we have been blessed with wonderfully cool weather, and here we are nearly at the end of July so we really can’t get very much more really hot weather; even if it does really get bad it’s not likely to last more than a month.

I’m getting rather sick of this schoolmastering job, & I hope to be relieved at the end of this course, but I don’t know for certain yet.

Is that George Moodie’s wife that has died? I see reports & pictures in the papers; if so, I am sorry, as he was only married such a short time ago was’nt he. One gets such a shock somehow when you hear of a wife’s death these days. What terrible long lists of missing appear daily now, but I suppose the majority prove to be prisoners in the end, though that is bad enough it seems from all accounts of treatment of prisoners one reads.

I do hope rations are going all right for you at home now. With the U-boat business so well in hand and increased ship building things ought to gradually take a turn for the better. I dined last week with one Fisher, a fellow ship-wrecked warrior; he has a political officer job down Babylon way so I hope to go and stay with him someday soon, to see the sights. We have just made a tennis court here, & they tell me they have begun to play on it tonight, so I must trot round & have a look.

Best love to all

yr loving son


Lieut, later Brigadier Sir Gerald Thomas Fisher, fellow survivor of the Persia and later Governor of British Somaliland (1948)

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Posted by on 23 July, '18 in About


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