23 August 1914 – Paul to Gertrude

23 Aug

Aug. 23rd

Dear Mother.

Am so sorry I forgot to wish you many happy returns in my last letter – but I do so now.

I am still alive and we have had no excitements for ages out here – The French Fleet seem to be doing all the work – fighting – but we are really doing very strenuous work too -only we have’nt seen our enemy for some time. And No news from home – what is happening there? we get no mails – we are rather expecting one tomorrow from Malta.

As far as I can make out the entire of Europe will be at war soon except Spain & Portugal.

I do hope you are all well – This is a chance letter that I hope will reach you- It being sent by one of our colliers,

heaps of love to you all.
Your ever loving son


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