March 22/15
Dear Mother
Very many thanks for your short note and the Café au lait, much appreciated in the mess; also the chocolate which Mr Fox & I finished off today. Café au lait is always welcome as it is so easy to make & is really very nice.
Gorgeous weather here nowadays, the last 2 days have been lovely and fine and really quite hot. Beginning of spring I suppose. Anyhow all the roads are getting quite dusty now, & the motors etc kick up no end of dust whereas a week ago it was nothing but mud. So let’s hope we are in for some dryish weather at last.
Did you ever get a jacket & pair of breeches I sent home about a month ago I wonder, because you have never said anything about them. I expect I shall be sending home some more clothes as the weather gets warmer.
No news here; we are still resting but I believe move off a bit further north in a day or two. Any news of Paul? They seem to be having a lively time in the Dardanelles don’t they.
Still got a bit of cold but otherwise am quite fit, & we have all benefited by our rest I think. Send along a cake when you have time. Excuse a short scrawl. Best love to all your loving son