2 June 1917 – Richard to Gertrude

02 Jun



Dear Mother

Topher thanks you for his letter today.

Would you pay enclosed for me please, send bills with money then they’ll understand.

Would you send us a packet of enclosed instead of porridge. Good it sounds, goodness knows what it tastes like.

The plants are growing A.1. Topher says the beans are nearly ready to eat, & we are to have a veg marrow for dinner tomorrow. Quick an’ all.

With apologies for Topher’s bill, we must excuse the Tommies.

Topher says he caught some fish the other day. I’ve not caught one yet, Sawful.

I am looking forward to the boots & leathers.

Love to all

yr loving son



Topher says if you can find an old fishing reel he’d like it.


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Posted by on 2 June, '17 in About


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