2 January 1915 – Paul to Gertrude

02 Jan

Jan. 2nd 1915

Dear Mother,

Thank you most awfully for the leather waistcoat – it has just arrived & does look warm – it will be very useful – and also the socks – cake & pudding arrived today too – jolly good cake – the pudding I’m keeping till tomorrow.

We didn’t have what you could call a Merry Christmas – we were at sea for 4 days or so during that time – & in the most appalling weather I’ve ever known – blowing & as rough as possible & bitterly cold as well, & when we came in we had to coal all during the Sunday, – night as well – there seem to be continual gales blowing round these parts – so different to our Mediterranean weather.

The Dudmans have sent me 3 pots of “apple jelly” – excellent – I must say our mess has been liberally supplied with food-stuffs during Christmas – the amount of chocolates & various things I’ve eaten during the last week is awful-

That strange P.C. F.N. Renny person sent me a box of cigarettes yesterday- and what’s more I’ve remembered who it is – I used to know him down at Portsmouth ages ago when I was in the Essex.- I’ve had stacks of letters lately too, but nearly all from people to whom I sent Christmas cards.

How’s Topher getting along – has he decided on anything as yet. Glad Lyon has good news of Ted. I sent him papers from the mess & a parcel of various things for Christmas. There is very little news.       with ever so much love to you all from

Your ever loving son


I am not certain where the Gloucester is at this time, but by early February she and Paul are in Scapa Flow in Orkney, so it seems likely that this letter was written there, or in one of the Scottish North Sea ports.

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Posted by on 2 January, '15 in H M S Gloucester


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