Tuesday 16th
Dear Mother,
It’s ages since I wrote & I am sorry – but you see where I am, so you can perhaps realize the wanderings we have done-. I have been here 2 days- two lovely days I’ve had- as I know a soldier & his wife very well here & they have looked after me-
I’ve just missed Ted & Ben coming home at Port Said – Aden side.
We were sent out in search of the “Emden“. but we were forestalled as you have heard. By the time you get this I shall be miles nearer home- In the Mediterranean somewhere tho’.
I do hope you are all well. We have had no mails for a month now.
Gorgeous weather here – I am so burnt – having been on an all day bathing picnic yesterday.
With ever so much love from your ever loving son
The Royal Bombay Yacht Club still exists, though it moved premises in 1948.
This letter is dated “Tuesday 16th” but the 16th was a Monday. The Imperial War Museum placed this in November 1914 so I am following suit. The mention of the Emden also suggests that this was written in November 1914. The first “Tuesday 16th” of the war was February 1915.