16 January 1916 – Ted to Gertrude

16 Jan

Jan 16/16.

Dear Mother

Just a scribble to say I have arrived safely with regiment at last. We had to ride out on Camels & horses & reached camp about 6 last night. Everyone very nice, & pleased to see us again, & various congratulations on our escape.

We are in a sort of grove of palm trees, an old Bedouin settlement, with a few old mud huts belonging to Sheikhs, one of which we are using as a mess. Close by is the reputed spot where Moses struck the rock; at any rate there is a constant supply of water there, which strange to say bubbles up in the highest part of the ground. Otherwise there is a sandy waste on all sides, & two miles behind us lies the Gulf of Suez, a brilliant blue streak, up & down which we see the tramp & liners going. A P. & O. outward bound passed by today, so I expect she had landed some mails at Port Said, so I may get some letters from home tomorrow; I’m longing to hear, as I have’nt had any letters since I left!

Quite nice & warm here by day, not a bit too hot, but it’s most awfully cold at nights; however please don’t go sending out any warm clothes as it will probably be 130 in the shade by the time it arrives! I have quite enough warm things to carry on-

Must end up now. I have taken up the job of adjutant again so shall be pretty busy. All the officers here are in great form & the men too, & I think the whole regiment is in splendid condition. Best love to all. I’m awful fit & well.      Your loving son



Photograph from among Ted’s WW1 Photos


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